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Discussione iniziata da Gluefinger on

In the absence of detailed reviews so far: Just got my copy of the kit. Absolutely amazing, even beats the Meng DR9 for coolness. The pictures I have seen so far did not even show that on top of all the all the Pearson equipment, both M58 MICLIC boxes can be shown open, with full detail (rockets, line charges, etc.). Heck, this is going to be serious fun...
M1 Assault Breacher Vehicle (ABV) M1150 with Mine Plow
Rye Field Model (RFM) 1:35
RM-5011 2016 Nuove parti
5 April 2017, 22:19
Brian Eberle
I ordered mine yesterday. Like a kid at Christmas, I can't wait to receive this one. I have the DEF Model conversion kit that I have not begun, so I can build both and compare. I look forward to following your build.
6 April 2017, 11:31
@Brian Eberle: I had high hopes regarding this kit, and they were exceeded by what came in that deceptively small box, so you're probably in for one hell of a Christmas (I know, I know, but I'm atheist). Don't hold you breath, though - it will probably be quite a while before I start with my build. Contrary to ABVs, I am in no hurry to be the first one to enter the minefield... 😉
6 April 2017, 17:36
Brian Eberle
LoL......... Since I am a Combat Engineer (retired) I am used to going into the minefield first. I am in the middle of moving to another city. Once my move is complete, I will start this kit. Perhaps I will create that trail through the "minefield" for others to follow with this kit.
6 April 2017, 17:43
Makes me wonder why armies procure expensive ABVs when Combat Engineers can just walk into minefields and still live long enough to retire? 😉
6 April 2017, 17:55
Brian Eberle
leading with my eyes shut, hands over my ears and stepping lightly thru the minefield.
6 April 2017, 19:03
Booby traps and AP mines can ruin a Sapper's day, but in a pure AT (anti-tank) minefield the EOD tech's ground bearing pressure should not be sufficient to detonate an AT mine.

As a young Sapper I thought that walking around in a mine field may be unwise, but my training assured me otherwise. There were still days when I wished I had a job in a library instead.

The M-1 ABV seems to be the culmination of generations of engineering vehicle development dating back to Sherman and Churchill tank engineering conversions. I hope the dozer blade conversion is available soon.

I wonder if a remote control kit is in the works for the ABV? The RC capable M-1 Panther II was the best toy in NATO. I once saw a young lieutenant try to make hand signals to a nonexistent driver on a RC Panther II. The infantry were always entertaining.

The ABV is a force multiplier by increasing Sapper productivity, but it is noisy and tends to alert defenders. For sneaky preparations and probing of defenses, the tried and true "Liberace" method of crawling on your belly feeling the ground ahead of you, as if you were playing the piano will still have its place. As ever, match the tool to the job at hand.
11 May 2017, 17:39
Now, in January 2018, I can safely say that this was my kit of the year for 2017! Now, if we could get them to do a Grizzly, they'd be up for another winner 😉
3 January 2018, 15:17

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