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Military Modelling Vol. 30 No. 5

Military Modelling


Military Modelling
Vol. 30 No. 5 | May 2000


Build Report | Page 6
Don’t Dismiss Oils

by Adrian Hopwood
Painting United Empire Miniature's bust of Edward Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick

Build Report | Page 18
les Enfants Cheris

by Robert Baxter
Assembling and painting Post Militaire's 100mm Chasseur a Cheval de la Garde kit.

Build Report, 1:35  | Page 24
Desert Paras

by Steve Zagola
A small diorama built from the box. Victoria Italian anti tank gun and crew

Build Report, 1:35  | Page 30
Above Us The Waves

by Peter Gillson
Building a WW2 Chariot manned torpedo and crew

Build Report | Page 36
Queen Victoria

by Gill Watkin-John
Painting Bonaparte Figures Queen Victoria figure

Build Report, 1:10  | Page 38
A Bengal Lancer

by GianFranco Speranza
Bust of 7th Bengal Lancers c 1900

Build Report | Page 42
Bad King? ... Good Soldier

by Mike Blank
Production of master figure of King Richard 1 for Andrea Miniatures.
Richard The Lionheart (1190)
Andrea Miniatures 54mm

Build Report | Page 46
Gallic Celt

by Le-van Quang
Painting a bust. Cover photograph.

Build Report | Page 54
One For The Ladies

by Paul Kessling
75mm English flower girl painted.

Build Report, 1:15  | Page 56
Lawrence of Arabia

by Lee Chandler
Using Verlinden and Kirin resin kits.

Tips & Tricks | Page 62
Camouflage Clothing

by Adrian Bay
Painting German autumn camouflage patter for smaller scale figures.

Build Report | Page 68

by Randy Hampton
ANAC army Corps Lewis Gunner painted

Build Report | Page 72
The Making of a Royal Marine

by Graham Scollick
Modelling a 54 mm Royal Marines Light Infantryman of the Crimean War period

Build Report | Page 76
At Death's Door

by John Boyton
Modelling a German night fighting equipped infantryman in a fictional post 1945 war.

Build Report | Page 82
From One Civil War To Another

by Rod Smith
American Civil war figure converted into a 17th C musketeer of the English Civil War.

Build Report | Page 88
Robert The Bruce

by Magnus Lofqvist
Scratch built.

Build Report | Page 90
Primus Pilus

by Adrian Hopwood
Painting a bust of a 1st Century Roman Centurion
Roman Chief Centurion Primus Pilus
Verlinden Productions 1:3