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Airfix Magazine Volume 25 Number 1

Airfix Magazine


Airfix Magazine
Volume 25 Number 1 | September 1983

Table of contents

Miscellaneous | Page 552
New Books


Editorial | Page 555
Editor's Notebook


Build Report | Page 556
The Goodyear Built F2G-2 Corsair

by Brian Monaghan
How to make this conversion

Build Report | Page 558
Monte Cassino

by Andrew Thompson

Reference | Page 562
Falklands War Series

by Ken Morris
Part 1

Reference | Page 563
Military Airlift Command

Part 2 MAC's Organisation

Build Report | Page 566
How to build the AEC MkIII Armoured Car

by Dennis J. Murphy
Part 2

Reference | Page 570
The Sinking of the Roma

by M. W. Williams
40th Anniversary of an Italian Battleship's End

Reference | Page 572
Mulberry Harbour

Part 12: Beetle Floats; Shore Ramp Floats and Intermediate Pierhead Pontoon

News | Page 577
Events etc.


Miscellaneous | Page 578
Post Box


Reference | Page 579
Eye of the Phoenix

by Geoff Thomas
Part 6:

Review | Page 583
New Models

Cessna O-2A
Heller 1:50
408 1983 Changed ???

Tips & Tricks | Page 584
Beginning Modelling

by S. Slater
Part 3: