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John Van Kooten
Merely added this kit into the database for the sake of completeness... other than that, what a totally worthless release. Much like anything Dragon lately... But unfortunately I'm starting to get used to that...

The kit is yet another EXTREMELY low effort release to empty our pockets. The kit isn't even trying to reproduce the real thing because that would have actually required some investigation and reproducing new parts (oh Lord, the horror!) to represent the top of this particular vehicle accurately. There was NO superstructure at all, so that would (most likely) mean lots of interior would be visible. And it seems Dragon simply isn't up for doing anything that takes any kind of real effort.

It's also very much in line with Dragon screwing over their loyal customers, seeing how this was once a Cyber Hobby limited edition white box release. On the other hand, looking at what this "new" kit is supposed to go for... I'm guessing the white box edition might actually even be cheaper... LOL(? 🤔 )
88mm FlaK 36 auf Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H (Smart Kit)
Dragon 1:35
6829 2016 Piese noi
9 November 2015, 14:55
We are paying the price ( also literally) for all the " oh, a Dragon kit, best kit in the whole universe, after looking in the box for 30 seconds" reviews.
9 November 2015, 17:32
Fabian D.
I´ve seen this kit already a few weeks ago, simply couldn´t get bothered adding it. With some clever shopping you might be able to score the right Brummbär, Pz IV. or Stug IV, Dragons Flak 88 with Behelfslafette and an interior kit for less... If you´re interrested, check out what this dude did:
9 November 2015, 18:22
John Van Kooten
@HK: totally agree! Seems like anything Dragon was & still is indeed instant "Gold"... to some anyway...

Even when they reissue kits that were truly GREAT on original release but now have half the contents (so to speak?) and double the price, people still keep buying them and telling how awesome they are 🤔 they are not though.

@Fabian: LOL! I can totally relate! I actually had to come back a few times because I wasn't sure I even wanted to add the damn thing 😛 But I have built an automated update feature linked to ScaleMates in my personal database and this one was coming up blank and causing issues, so I "had to" add it.
I think they have released a few more "new" kits but I honestly didn't even care enough to check if they are in the SCM database or not. I have deleted any and all new entries Dragon related from my personal database instead. I'm not ever going to buy them anyway 😉

But wow, that build in the link you posted, now THAT is awesome for sure! That is quite a masterpiece! Very impressive! Thanks for that 👍
9 November 2015, 18:53
Fabian D.
@John; He´s a quite skilled modeller, and does work amazingly quick compared to someone like me😉
You can find most of his stuff on Panzer-Modell.

Well, all that has actually some positive aspects. As there is absolutely nothing "great" about their new releases, esp. not the price, so I´m not tempted to buy any of them. Which does significally lenghten the time I have until I run out of storage space. 😄
9 November 2015, 20:11
John Van Kooten
Yeah, the prices are absolutely ridiculous! We are rapidly moving towards a minimum of €60 for any kit, even for something really old and small like a Sd.Kfz.250. And the more popular kits like Tigers, (Jagd-)Panthers, certain Pz.Kpfw.IV are starting at €70 to €75. That's just crazy. I'm not doing that. Ever. Especially not if they keep taking out parts and increasing prices. It's the World upside down. They managed to turn some of their truly great original releases into something mediocre AND almost double the price on some... it's really sad...

But there are those people that respond to our well founded complaints with great answers like "well, you don't have to buy it" or "yeah yeah, we've heard it all before" or even "the kits are completely worth it so stop whining". To those particular people I would like to say:

You are absolutely right! 😄 and good luck with your heavily overpriced and deflated kits.
I, however, WILL voice my opinion about Dragon's current strategy of alienating a large part of their (once) loyal customer base, whether anyone likes it or not. You know why? Because I actually care!
Besides, it's a free World, man! 😄 If everyone keeps quiet and keeps buying their kits, Dragon will never "get" that they have taken a wrong turn. Obviously they are fully aware of what they are doing and they will keep pushing the limit until they are stopped, in any way.

Oh, and if some of "those" people I mentioned have a problem with what I'm saying:
"well, you don't have to read it"
"yeah yeah, I've heard it all before"
"My remarks are completely well founded so stop whining"

Fabian, that remark you made about running out of storage space made me actually laugh out loud because I am SO recognizing what you are saying! 😄 😄 ROTFLOL!!

That guy is truly greatly skilled! I am definitely going to be taking a look at his other work 👍 And yeah, I am a very slow builder as well😉 But that doesn't stop me from liking what I am doing 😄
10 November 2015, 04:18
@Fabian: I am glad, I am not the only one who can`t be bothered to add these lackluster Dragon pseudo new kits.
10 November 2015, 08:11
Rui S
I've never actually built a Dragon kit.
I've some in my stash all of them bought as great bargains.
One thing I'm sure. I will never buy a 1/35, single kit for that kind of amounts (or even near that) you have been talking about.
P.S Unless they put inside a real gold nugget, and not things like the following:

12 November 2015, 17:21
@Rui: You should really build one. The real " Smart Kits" are gems- and that`s one of the reasons, we are so angry about these " new" kits.
13 November 2015, 10:05
Rui S
@ H K, Perhaps. But I don't have any "Smart kit" in my stash and (as said) I'm sure I will not pay what they ask for them.
13 November 2015, 10:17
Fabian D.
@Rui: Odly enough those "real" Smart or Premium Kits are quite often in the 40-50€ price range. Most of them included two full sets of tools (with or without moulded on claps), lots of PE and sometimes metal barrels and amunition. Oh, and most of them depicted vehicles that have actually been more than a draft, scetch or written proposal. 😛
13 November 2015, 12:36
Rui S
@ Fabian, Yap, that's good but just to damn expensive to me.
13 November 2015, 12:40

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