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playtime 222
About bloody time! 😄
Hawker Sea Fury FB.11
Airfix 1:48
A06105 2018 Instrumentul nou
4 November 2016, 16:50
I thought we already had Sea Fury's in 1:48?
4 November 2016, 17:39
playtime 222
But... Airfix! 😄
4 November 2016, 19:12
playtime 222
But seriously - the Trumpeter has an awful rep and I haven't seen a review of the APK ones yet?
4 November 2016, 19:14
Never hurts to have more aircraft kits
5 November 2016, 00:26
Gareth Windsor
If this is on the same level as some of the other new tooled kit Airfix have produced it should be a fantastic kit. I will be ordering one for my FAA collection.
5 November 2016, 00:51
Well yeah I understand trump kit may not be great, but with Airfix also developing a new mold P-51 also my comment was more about a lack of imagination from them.

Feels at the moment like there is a lack of imagination from most of the manufacturers with multiple companies releasing the same aircraft etc etc..
5 November 2016, 17:25
I agree Augie. I like Eduard kits but they seem obsessed with releasing different versions of Spitfire, Bf 109 and Fw 190. I know that producing a new kit is horrendously expensive, but maybe if manufacturers produced something a bit different, it may pay off big time – but they aren't willing to gamble. There are plenty of aircraft I would love to have the opportunity to buy in 1/48, but I won't get a chance, because they all want to play it safe.
5 November 2016, 17:45
Yes, it would be great if they could make something that no one else has but unfortunately they are in the business of making money not friends.
The kit manufacturers all know what sells so that is what's made.
Only having an interest in aircraft that the R.A.A.F flew I have to accept that some aircraft will never be made in 1/48. Why on earth would Airfix or the like make a Wackett or CT-4A. Let alone both versions of the Woomera, probably haven't even heard of them.
I'm looking forward to 3D.printers improving to the point that I can make my own
5 November 2016, 21:36
A valid point wilky, but there is the counter argument that if they dont try they wont ever know. There are many out there that if were produced would sell in very good numbers.
5 November 2016, 21:42
Gordon Sørensen
A model companies have quite an expensive outlay for the research, tooling, and promotion even before the first kit is sold. The financial bean-counters probably have quite a say in what gets considered for release. Who would have guessed Airfix would have released a 1/24 Mosquito and Typhoon?
6 November 2016, 01:47
playtime 222
Accepting the points about economics and the glut of popular subjects, I've also noticed the positive tendency for manufacturers to produce indigenous subjects e.g. Airfix produce a lot of british kits, Heller try to plug the French gaps, and a whole glut of eastern European ones are filling the void there. The correlation appears to be, certainly in the case of aircraft, if the country is question actually manufactured the real things, there is a demand, at least from that country for those subjects. Of course this theory has the exception of the large number of Chinese kit manufacturers but that is simple economics again. Discuss 😄
6 November 2016, 11:36
Eugen P.
I built the Trumpeter 1:48, but I have no problem with a new Sea Fury.
6 November 2016, 12:51
John Bollig
Don't normally build 1/48 However, this one I feel is going to be a winner. I will buy at least one, maybe more than one. Think it has come to the point that Airfix is shifting to 1/48. I like 1/72 more but if it keeps the company alive then, yes it is the right move.
8 November 2016, 13:03
playtime 222
There's a market for both scales and Airfix is big enough to do both. I'm just lucky that I'm benefiting from the markets direction.
8 November 2016, 13:08

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